Your dream job is out there. But you may not have even heard of it yet.

Some people know what they want to do for a career when they are very young. But maybe you’re unsure! There are jobs out there you haven’t even heard of. Learn about hundreds of different types of jobs from these helpful tools.

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Find a job you’ll be good at.

You know by now that you have strengths and weaknesses. Maybe you’re better at math than writing, or better at working with your hands than using a computer. Find a job that plays to your strengths.

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Hear about a future you’ve never dreamed of.

So far, you probably know about the jobs you’ve seen people around you do. You know teachers and doctors. But do you know consultants? Do you know actuaries? Your perfect job may be out there and you haven’t even heard of it yet! Learn what education pathway will get you there.

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Learn what jobs will have openings when you graduate.

Whether you start work after high school graduation or after college, you have to plan for an unknown future. Different jobs need new workers at different times. Browse tools that teach you what will be popular when you are ready to work.

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Plan for your financial future.

Do you know how much money someone is paid at your dream job? Compare salaries in different careers and learn how that can impact how you live your life.

Important Dates and Deadlines



Prep for personal graduation planning and high school registration



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GRADES 7 & 8

Explore careers with MiddleGalaxy and MapMyGrad


GRADES 7 & 8

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All Resources for Jobs and Careers

Middle School

Early High School

Late High School