Graduation Requirements

Plan for what's next.
Choosing the right courses for high school can shape your future, whether you're headed to college or straight to career. Be sure to stay on track and get the most out of high school with these resources.

Learn how Texas rule changes affect you.
In 2013, Texas changed the rules on graduation requirements. Now you'll need to outline your academic and career goals during ninth grade using a formal document called a high school personal graduation plan. Sounds complicated, but don't stress! We have the answers you need.

Fill out the FAFSA.
Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, Texas high school students will be required to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The application can help make sure you don't miss out on federal student aid.

Find the right graduation plan.
Texas OnCourse will help you create a graduation plan that will help you get to where you want to be after high school. Check out our MapMyGrad grad planner.

What about endorsements?
You'll need to map out a high school personal graduation plan that leads to an endorsement. You can earn one or more endorsements in high school. Endorsements and graduation plans go hand in hand. Click over to our endorsement page to learn more.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Prep for personal graduation planning and high school registration
Choose your endorsement!
GRADES 9 & 10
Select your courses for next year!