Jobs and Careers

Help students understand careers they may not even have heard of yet.
Some people know what they want to do for a career when they’re very young. But most middle and high school students are unsure, and many haven’t heard of jobs outside of what their parents and friends do.
These tools will help you explore hundreds of jobs with students as young as seventh grade and meet Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) requirements.

Meet TEKS for Career Exploration.
Our career exploration game for middle schoolers, MiddleGalaxy, comes with a curriculum guide full of plug-and-play lessons to ensure that your school is meeting Texas Education Knowledge and Skills requirements.

Make the most of career assessments.
So far, students probably know about the jobs they’ve seen people do. Help them broaden their horizons. Use the Texas OnCourse Academy to understand which assessments can help and how, and use the resources listed here to access tests and tools.

Understand labor market information.
You’re helping students navigate an unknown future. They may not understand that some jobs will grow in the next decade while others will become less important. Train to use labor market information in class, and access tools for students to interact with.

Access cold, hard facts about money.
Students may not understand how their chosen job will impact their future lifestyle. Tools like those from our partners at the Texas Workforce Commission enable students to learn about career choices that meet their financial needs.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Prep for personal graduation planning and high school registration