
Students choose the right focus for their interests.

Understand Texas' endorsement requirement.
Boost your own knowledge about endorsements and how they connect to career pathways and graduation plans in the Texas OnCourse Academy. Log in or create an account, and find a ton of information and resources under Career Pathways > Academic Planning.

Let us plan your lessons for you.
Access a flexible, TEKS-aligned college and career readiness curriculum for middle school. The Texas OnCourse Middle School Curriculum Guide provides flexible, plug-and-play lessons to ensure that students explore careers and understand how their choice of endorsements will help them reach their dreams.

Make your students endorsement pros.
Our interactive website, MapMyGrad, was designed especially for middle school students. On it, students can take a short quiz to determine their best-fit endorsement. They can explore career descriptions, salary info, and education requirements. And they can even draft, save, and print a high school graduation plan to share with their counselor.

Make this big decision fun!
Our MiddleGalaxy game takes students on a mission into space. But it also teaches about careers along the way! Featured careers are based on data about future Texas workforce needs. Students can play this fun game on their computer, phone, or tablet and use what they learn to choose an endorsement or two.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Prep for personal graduation planning and high school registration
Choose your endorsement!