Previously Recorded Webinars
Available free, tailored to Texas middle and high school educators

Scroll down to see a library of previously recorded webinars. Learn from experts, connect with your colleagues, and access new information and resources to support your practice.
To receive an invitation to each of the webinars, all you need to do is register for an account in the Academy. Already enrolled in the Academy? Keep an eye on your inbox for our emails.
2023 - 2024 Previously Recorded Sessions
2024 - 2025 Previously Recorded Sessions
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Previously Recorded Webinars
My Texas Future
A brand-new resource designed to promote Texans from all backgrounds to obtain a credential of value in the labor force. This portal enables students and adults to explore career interests, identify in-demand occupations in their region, and directly connect with institutions of higher education.
College and Career Knowledge Assessments
In this webinar, our staff will share how the student assessment (College and Career Knowledge Assessment) can be used to measure student progress, and how the educator assessment can guide your learning within the Academy.
Introducing ADVi, Texas’ Virtual Advisor
Learn how ADVi supports your college and career advising efforts! ADVi is a virtual advising chatbot – backed by a team of trained advisors – designed to support Texas students with postsecondary planning.
Find Transfer Success with the new Texas Transfer Framework
Join our webinar to learn about some of the challenges facing transfer students and how the new Texas Transfer Framework was developed to help these students find success in higher education.
College and Career Readiness Curriculum Updates
Join our webinar to discover helpful college and career advising lessons from Texas OnCourse. Our staff will highlight the changes and updates to the curriculum and spotlight our Academy learning areas that support your work in middle and high schools.
The TSIA2 and College Readiness Indicators
In this webinar, experts on the TSIA2 will cover scoring, test administration updates, and implications for K-12 CCMR indicators. Educators will have the option to join a live Q & A session with Coordinating Board staff.
Best College and Career Advising Strategies
Attendees will hear from a panel of educators on handling initiatives like financial aid requirements, the changing landscape of college enrollment, and postsecondary opportunities for students.
College and Career Planning Power Tools for Students
We are loading up an hour full of resources that will pack your toolbox this year – we plan to cover everything you need as an educator on connecting your students to Ask ADVi, student college and career modules, the Texas Leadership Scholars Program, and several others. (November 2022)
The Texas First Diploma Program: How High-Achieving Students Can Get Ahead
During our webinar, our staff will introduce the Texas First Diploma, a program to recognize high-achieving students. We will cover program details, eligibility requirements, benefits to students, and provide time for questions from the field. (October 2022)
Financial Aid: Using the Online TASFA Application
In this webinar, we provided important updates on the paper and online applications opening October 1, 2022. (September 2022)
Financial Literacy for Your High School Students
Our guests for this webinar have some incredible free materials that are filled with helpful information on financial literacy and options for life after high school. (March 2022)
CTE Programs of Study
In this month’s webinar, we dug into online tools available for your students to peek into what their future could look like. (February 2022)
Family Engagement in Schools
In this month’s webinar, we introduced our newest tool to help keep your students’ families in the loop with information and resources their child needs to be successful: Tomorrow Ready Texas. (January 2022)
CCMR In Your District 2.0
After a couple of years of interruption, districts and campuses will receive A-F accountability ratings for the 2021-22 school year. This webinar includes important CCMR updates and tips on district CCMR strategy from Aldine ISD. (October 2021)
Meeting Texas FAFSA Requirements with the Class of 2022
As schools prepare to meet the new mandate across Texas, this webinar includes important updates on the FAFSA and the TASFA, as well as ideas for tracking and boosting completion. (September 2021)
Kickstart College Apps: 2021 Common Application and ApplyTexas Updates
Check out this webinar for important updates you’ll need to know for ApplyTexas and the Common App in 2021. (August 2021)
K-12 Updates from the 87th Texas Legislative Session
View this webinar for an overview of the 2021 Texas education bills passed during the 87th Regular Legislative Session. (June 2021)
New College and Career Curriculum for 2021-2022
We’ve revised our College and Career Curriculum for use in Texas middle schools in 2021–2022. Learn about enhancements, TEKS, and legislative mandates. (May 2021)
Improving CCMR in Your School District
Learn how districts around Texas are improving CCMR using Texas OnCourse. (April 2021)
Enhance Your Advising Practice for Military-Bound Students
During this PD webinar, we share important knowledge and updates to improve your counseling and advising practice with your military-bound students. (March 2020)
Understanding Statewide Programs of Study
During this professional development webinar, we discuss how educators can ensure that their students are prepared for in-demand, high-skill, and high-wage careers in Texas. (February 2021)
Alternative Opportunities to Four-Year Degree Programs
Earning a four-year degree is not the only postsecondary path to starting a successful career. In this webinar, we cover alternative options, like Texas certification programs, community college programs, technical school offerings, and more. (January 2021)
Essential Skills for Middle School Students
In this webinar, we discuss how to teach and counsel middle schoolers about important topics including financial literacy, building resumes, acquiring and practicing soft skills, and postsecondary opportunities. (November 2020)
Understanding the TSIA2
The release of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 will change college readiness benchmarks across the state. We provided updates on the TSIA2 from experts at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. (October 2020)
Adjusting to College Planning under COVID-19
In this webinar, we break down how to help students plan for college during COVID-19 and share resources to keep you on track. (September 2020)
Navigating Social Justice Issues in College and Career Advising
This is an informative discussion around personal and societal experiences with racism, how those experiences can impact work with students, and how student experiences with these injustices shape their postsecondary planning. (August 2020)
Gearing Up for Back to School during COVID-19
In this webinar, get back to school tips from experts and colleagues on accountability, CCMR, and new Texas OnCourse resources. (August 2020)
NCAA/NAIA Resources and Guidelines
With this webinar, gain valuable knowledge on how student-athletes and their families can engage with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) during COVID-19. (June 2020)
Effective Advising: Reducing Implicit Bias When Working with Students
In an era of social distancing and virtual advising and instruction, implicit biases can do even more harm to our students. With this webinar, become more aware of implicit biases and learn practices to reduce them from Dr. Bentley L. Gibson. (May 2020)
Sharing Practices for Supporting Your Students During COVID-19
We shifted our usual monthly webinar to make space for educators to learn from one another and discuss resources for teaching and advising during COVID-19. More than 600 people registered to join the conversation. (April 2020)
Making Careers Matter in Middle School
In this webinar, discover fun career activities for middle school students, including some of the best lessons from the Middle School Curriculum Guide as well as opportunities for learning more about teaching Career Pathways in the Texas OnCourse Academy. (March 2020)
Earning College Credit in High School
In this free webinar featuring experts from OnRamps, learn how educators and counselors can support dual credit and enrollment students in high school. (February 2020)
Resources for Working with Students with Special Circumstances
Learn how educators and counselors can support students with disabilities and students who move frequently due to family military involvement or migrant farm work. (January 2020)
A-F Accountability: Making an Impact Using Texas OnCourse
We review sweeping changes to Texas’ A–F accountability system and how Texas OnCourse can support district efforts in college, career, and military readiness (CCMR). (December 2019)
Endorsements and Middle School Career Exploration
We hear best practices from Texas OnCourse leader fellows on teaching endorsements, investigating career paths, and course registration systems. (November 2019)
Navigating Financial Aid
This webinar gets you up to date on FAFSA/TASFA application changes and highlights our most-used resources from the Texas OnCourse Financial Aid learning modules. (October 2019)
Using the Texas OnCourse Family Guide
The Family Guide helps parents and guardians support their child’s academic and career choices as they gear up for the high school years. We highlight our best resources from the guide that empower parents and guardians during the student transition. (September 2019)
College Applications
This webinar features updates and tips from popular college application systems like ApplyTexas and Common App, as well as educator advice on implementing a strong college application completion culture from Leader Fellow Will Collins at Humble ISD. (August 2019)
Advising Students with Unique Needs and Circumstances
This webinar features expert guests from Nocona ISD, the TWC and Austin Community College, and highlights content from our learning modules on advising students with disabilities/working with a highly mobile student population. (June 2019)
Essays, Writing Samples, and Resumes
During this webinar, we share strategies for great essay writing and hear firsthand what universities are looking for when reading student writing samples. (April 2019)
An Introduction to Advising Highly Mobile Students
Students who move frequently, including children of military families or migrant workers, face unique needs and challenges. We'll walk you through our free online module to help you advise and support highly mobile students all over the U.S. (March 2019)
Assessments and Test Taking Strategies
Students take an array of assessments to prepare for college, including the SAT, ACT, and TSIA. We explore these tests and review updates on entrance and placement exams. (March 2019)
Advising and Teaching Career Pathways
Explore resources to support instruction on career clusters. Lori Knight of the Texas Workforce Commission discusses helping students research and select career pathways. (February 2019)
College Applications
Be prepared for college application season! With up-to-date content on the college application process, this webinar features resources from the Texas OnCourse Academy and updates from the Common Application and ApplyTexas. (September 2018)
Scholarships and Financial Aid
This webinar includes scholarship resources from Texas OnCourse as well as information about TASFA verification and scholarships from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. (January 2019)
Course Planning and Endorsements
This webinar covers the five endorsement areas and endorsement milestones. We also discuss MapMyGrad, updates from the State Board of Education and TEA, and course planning tips from professionals at Keller ISD. (December 2018)
Financial Aid
Financial aid changes every single year, and paying for college is a huge hurdle for students and their families. This webinar includes updates to the FAFSA and the TASFA and tips for educators to help families with the financial aid process. (November 2018)
Do you have the most up-to-date information on the PSAT? This webinar includes updates from the College Board, tips for schools and districts to help students understand their scores, and highlights from our National Merit Scholarship learning module. (October 2018)