Middle School College and Career Readiness Programs
Meet legislative mandates of HB18

Prepare early for CCMR success
The decisions students make in middle school can set them on the right course for college and career success. It’s our job to support them with college and career instruction in middle school. Prepare your staff to deliver high-quality, standards-aligned, and differentiated learning with the Texas OnCourse curriculum. Our College and Career Knowledge Assessment also assists in identifying student learning gaps.

Comply with education code and legislative mandates
As a result of 2015’s HB 18, Texas students in seventh and/or eighth grade are required to receive instruction that prepares them for high school, college, and career (Texas Education Code Sec. 28.016). Our curriculum, developed in partnership with TEA, provides over 30 lesson plans in compliance with the Texas Education Code and aligned with TEKS for college and career readiness and investigating careers. The curriculum also integrates positive character traits, as required by 2019’s HB 1026.

Boost accountability
Your district’s A–F accountability rating is linked to college, career, and military readiness (CCMR). Our curriculum is aligned with key CCMR components, preparing your students for the Texas Success Initiative Assessment, dual credit, industry-based certifications, military enlistment, and workforce readiness.

Know where your students stand
The Texas OnCourse College and Career Knowledge Assessment provides data on your students’ postsecondary knowledge. The survey helps your district use and track progress toward intended student outcomes. By participating in this optional survey, you can receive campus and district reports and adjust instruction according to knowledge gaps.

Connect your staff with content knowledge
In addition to a flexible curriculum, we provide free professional development through our Academy for educators seeking to gain content knowledge on endorsements, graduation plans, career clusters, and more. No matter who provides college and career readiness instruction in your district, you can be confident that they are prepared and proficient.