Texas OnCourse Academy

Organization of the Texas OnCourse Academy:
Use the Texas OnCourse Academy to improve your practice, continuously learn, and become more confident in your abilities. The Academy provides comprehensive training for college and career advising across 4 content areas: financial aid, career pathways, postsecondary pathways, and specialties.
The 4 content areas include 16 competencies, which are broken down into 26 topics or modules. Users receive Competency Badges for completing all modules in a competency area, and Master Badges for completing all competencies in a content area. Each competency consists of one or more modules.
Content Area: Financial Aid
Competency: Financial Aid: Foundational Knowledge
- Module: Basic Principles of Financial Aid
Financial Aid Application Process
- CSS Profile
Scholarship Application Process
- Scholarship Applications
- National Merit Scholarship Program
College Cost
- College Finances
Content Area: Postsecondary Pathways
Competency: Postsecondary Pathways: Foundational Knowledge
- Module: Advising All Students to Be College Ready
Admission and Application Process
- ApplyTexas
- Common Application (Common App)
- NCAA and NAIA Eligibility Centers
- Coalition Application
- Military Academy Applications
Entrance and Placement Exams
Postsecondary Research
- Researching Postsecondary Options
Content Area: Career Pathways
Competency: Career Pathways: Foundational Knowledge
- Module: Basic Principles of Career Pathways
Career Exploration
- Career Assessments
Academic Planning
- High School Personal Graduation Plan
- Career Clusters, Pathways, and Endorsements
Career Planning
- Career Outlook
Career Learning Experience
- Work-Based Learning (WBL) Experiences
Content Area: Specialties
Competency: Transition Advising
- Module: Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
Advising Highly Mobile Populations
- Advising Highly Mobile Students
Middle School College and Career
- Starting Early: College and Career Readiness in Middle School