Your Student's Future is a Family Matter

By: Texas OnCourse
reading time icon2 min

Ah, middle school. Lots of decisions being made by students, parents, and educators alike. In eighth grade, endorsements are chosen, course plans are made, and high school is on the horizon. There can be a lot to keep up with during these busy and transformative years.

We know you want to make sure students and their parents or guardians have the tools they need to keep on top of all these changes and ask you the right questions. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, we suggest you check out our Middle School Family Guide. For parents and guardians of middle school students, this guide can be a huge asset that keeps students and parents on track and in communication with their counselors and teachers.

Using the family guide, parents and guardians can:

Explore what college and career readiness truly mean.

Parents have probably heard this term, but what does it mean? Understanding whether a child is prepared to succeed in college or a career can help families figure out their child’s best post–high school possibilities.

Learn how to help their child match their skills and interests with possible careers.

The family guide includes a number of activities parents and children can explore together. These activities help a child understand who they are and where they’re going. Exploring these activities together helps connect their skills, interests, and personality to the pathways that can lead to career bliss.

Understand endorsements and graduation planning.

We’ll help parents understand how endorsements connect to career options for their student and how to differentiate between the three different high school diplomas available in Texas.

Stay on track with our “Connect with Your Student’s Counselor” and “Student Success Tips” series.

Our step-by-step checklists will ensure that parents and counselors are on the same page and that children are set up for success. They say it takes a village to raise a child. When it comes to academic advising, college and career readiness, and planning for the future, that sentiment rings true. Bringing educators and parents closer together is one invaluable step in ensuring that a child has all the support they need. Tell your students’ parents and guardians to download our Family Guide today!